Friday, March 04, 2005

London fencing (part I)

Last monday I finally mustered the courage to drop £350 on a full 800N fencing suit and a 1600N mask at Leon Paul. And courage it took, since I must admit it was a pretty irresponsible expenditure given my financial situation and the fact that I am currently unemployed. However, I had only fenced about three times in the last 4 months, and I couldn't wait.

Yesterday I went to the Newham fencing club, which meets in a school gym about 30 minutes away from my flat. It is a small and friendly club, conveniently located and, at £5 per night, relatively cheap. However, I am not convinced I should become a member of the club. I would like to be able to fence at least twice a week, preferebly three times, and Newham meets only on Thursdays. Then, they have open floor and individual lessons, and at Salle Mac Bean in Riverside I have come to appreciate the value of group lessons for intermediate fencers. Lastly, cheap as it is, I really can't afford to put down £60 right now for three months of membership. Advance payments, however small, are a bad thing when you have no income.


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